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Inbound Marketing 101 – Reaching Your Customers Online

A Four Part Series Featuring Jenna Engel

If your business is still using only traditional (aka “old”) methods of advertising – direct mailers, print ads, TV/radio commercials, you’ve probably noticed that over the last few years, their effectiveness (along with any new customers) has declined. We all know that the yellow pages has all but disappeared, and it’s been said that up to 44% of direct mail is never opened. Even methods of online advertising has been forced to change, because of the increasing effectiveness of ad blockers and ‘spam’ filters. Shouting from the rooftops in hopes of reaching your target market resulted only in your message getting lost in the crowd, most of whom are holding their hands tightly over their ears in an attempt to escape the constant assault of advertising in their lives.

So, if outbound marketing alone isn’t effective, how do you get your message to your target audience? We’ll answer this question and more in this four part series, Inbound Marketing 101: How Inbound Marketing Works, Where to Start, and Getting Results.

We’ve asked our Featured Industry Expert Jenna Engel, from Trending Up Sales & Marketing, for her insight. She will help you understand how, and why, transforming the outbound marketing you’re currently doing will accomplish some of your major marketing goals. According to Jenna:

Many marketing strategies include traditional advertising techniques, cold calling, and other outdated methods that make measuring success very difficult. As a result, contractor marketing can be a costly endeavor.

Your potential customers are online.

Nearly 75% of Americans go online on a daily basis (PewResearchCenter, 2015). Let that sink in. 3 out of 4 people use the internet every single day. These people online include people who are searching for a yoga professional exactly like you: they want to feel better, learn more about yoga, etc. Are they finding you?

Let’s put it this way: what happens if the prospective clients came right to you and gave you their information, via your website? What if they told you about a problem they were having, and you provided a solution with educational content? What if, through this new communication and relationship, the prospective client now trusted you with their business as a result? That, my friends, is inbound marketing.

Join us next time to find out more about the Inbound Marketing Method (hint: it’s a lot like the dating process), or contact us to find out how we can start putting it to work for you!